Dialogue 1-1 Grammar and Pattern Drills

1. 最近 zuìjìn(recently)

“zuìjìn” refers to the time before or after the conversation. The thing mentioned in this sentence may happen in the past or in the future. “zuìjìn” can be used before the subject or after the subject.


Substitutive drills:

最近 我工作很忙。
Zuìjìn wǒ ɡōnɡzuò hěn mánɡ.

最近 人民币又升值了。
Zuìjìn rénmínbì yòu shēnɡzhí le.

最近 我认识了一位漂亮的小姐。
Zuìjìn wǒ rènshi le yí wèi piàolianɡ de xiáojiě.


最近 想请你帮忙。
Zuìjìn xiǎnɡ qǐnɡ nǐ bānɡmánɡ.

我们公司 最近 要跟中国公司开电话会议。
wǒmen ɡōnɡsī Zuìjìn yào ɡēn Zhōnɡɡuó ɡōnɡsī kāi diànhuà huìyì.

最近 要去中国吗?
Zuìjìn yào qù Zhōnɡɡuó mɑ?


2. 怎么样 zěnmeyàng(how)

“zěnmeyàng” is an interrogative noun used to ask about the character or condition of something or somebody. It usually functions as a predicate or complement.

Substitutive drills:

“怎么样” 是一个疑问代词,用于询问性质、状况等,通常做谓语或补语。

你的中文学得 怎么样?
Nǐ de Zhōnɡwén xué de zěnmeyàng.

你觉得北京 怎么样?
Nǐ juéde Běijīnɡ zěnmeyàng.

最近你们的生意 怎么样?
Zuìjìn nǐmen de shēnɡyì zěnmeyàng.


3. 正在+V. zhèngzài(be doing)

“zhèngzài” means the motion is being conducted. It can be shortened into “zài”. For example: Zuìjìn wǒ zàixué zhōngwén (I have been studying Chinese recently.). In some cases, there is a “ne” at the end of the sentence to emphasize the continuity of the mentioned motion. Example: Wǒ zhèngzài dǎ diànhuà ne (I am talking on the phone.).


Substitutive drills:

正在 上网。
zhèngzài shàngwǎng.

正在 吃饭。
zhèngzài chī fàn.

小李 正在 买东西。
Xiáo Lǐ zhèngzài mǎi dōngxi。

我们 正在 开会。
Wǒmen zhèngzài kāihuì.


4.喜欢 xǐhuān(like)

“xǐhuān” can be put before a noun or a verb. Examples: Xǐhuan zhōngguó (like China) and xǐhuān xué zhōngwén (like learning Chinese). It can be modified by adverbs of degree.


Substitutive drills:


王大华很 喜欢 中国文化。
Wáng Dàhuá hěn xǐhuān Zhōguó wénhuà.

听说陈东 喜欢 李小姐。
Tīngshuo Chén Dōng xǐhuān Lǐ Xiǎojie.

喜欢 上网。
xǐhuān shàwǎng.

喜欢 做生意吗?
xǐhuān zuò shēngyì ma?


不喜欢 我的英文名字。
bù xǐhuān Wǒ de Yīngwén míngzì.

我的老板 不喜欢 用现金买东西,她喜欢用信用卡付款。
Wǒ de láobăn bù xǐhuān yòng xiànjīn mǎi dōngxi, tā xǐhuān yòng xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn.

李小文 不喜欢 做生意。
Lǐ Xiǎowén bù xǐhuān zuò shēngyì.

王大华 不喜欢 买东西。
Wáng Dàhuá bù xǐhuān mǎi dōngxi.


5. 越+V.+越…… yuè+V.+yuè…(the more…the more…)

“yuè+V.+yuè…” is an expression to indicate a gradual change. There are two kinds of words after the second “yuè”:

  1. Adjectives. Example: Yuè xué yuè hǎo (The more you learn the better you do).
  2. Verbs expressing emotions or feelings. Example: Yuè xué yuè ài xué (The more I learn the more I like it).

“越+V+越……” 表示后者随前者的变化而变化,第二个“越”的后面可以有两种表达形式:

  1. 形容词,比如:越学越好.
  2. 表示情感或心理的动词,比如:越学越爱学。

Substitutive drills:

yuè Xià yuè

他的英文 快。
Tā de Yīngwén yuè shuō yuè kuài。

yuè xiǎng yuè gāoxìng.


中文 有意思。
Zhōngwén yuè xué yuè yǒu yìsi.

这种食品我 喜欢吃。
Zhè zhǒng shípǐn wǒ yuè chī yuè xǐhuān chī.

这个工作我 有兴趣。
Zhè gè gōngzuò wǒ yuè Zuò yuè yǒu xìngqù.

Note: the adjectives or verbs after the second “yuè” cannot be modified by “hěn”. For example, we cannot say: “*Wǒ de Zhōngwén yuè xué yuè hěn hǎo”.


6. 考考 kǎokao (to test)

Reduplication of verbs is a frequently used expression in Chinese to indicate that a motion only lasts for a short period of time, a person tries doing something or a person does something for more than one time. This expression, with its tone-softening function, is usually used in imperative clauses for expectations or requests. The form of monosyllabic verb overlap is VV.

动词重叠是汉语中十分常见的一种语法现象,用来表示短时、尝试或反复多次,常用于祈使句中表示期待或请求,有舒缓语气的作用。单音节动词重叠的形式就是 VV。

Substitutive drills:

Lǎoshī, nǐ kěyǐ shuō shuō “le” zěnme yònɡ mɑ?

Wǒ xiǎnɡ wènwen, nín zài nǎr ɡōnɡzuò?

Nǐ yīnɡgāi kànkɑn wǒmen de wǎnɡzhàn, wǒmen de wǎnɡzhàn shànɡ yǒu hěnduō xìnxī.


7. 怎么+V. zěnme (how to)

“zěnme” is an interrogative pronoun used before verbs to ask about the way to do something.

“怎么” 是一个疑问代词,置于动词前,用于询问方式。

Substitutive drills:

在网站上买东西 怎么 付款。
Zài wǎnɡzhàn shànɡ mǎi dōnɡxi,zěnme fùkuǎn.

请问, 怎么 去中国进出口公司。
Qǐnɡwèn,zěnme qù Zhōnɡɡuó jìnchūkǒu ɡōnɡsī.

虽然我是美国人,可是我不知道 怎么 教英文。
Suīrán wǒshì Měiɡuórén, kěshì wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme jiāo Yīnɡwén

Note: Questions like this cannot have “ma” at the end. For example, we cannot  say: Zài wǎngzhàn shàng mǎi dōngxi zěnme fùkuǎn ma?


8. 没想到 méixiǎngdào(out of expectation)

“méixiăngdào” means out of expectation. It is followed by minor sentences.


Substitutive drills:

没想到 Méixiǎngdào

没想到 他也会说中文。
Méixiǎngdào tā yě huì shuō Zhōnɡwén.

没想到 她的英文说得这么好!
Méixiǎngdào tā de Yīnɡwén shuō de zhème hǎo!

没想到 王大华明年要到中国去做生意。
Méixiǎngdào Wáng Dàhuá mínɡnián yào dào Zhōnɡɡuó qù zuò shēnɡyì.


9. V+得+Comp. (Descriptive Compliments)

“de” here can be followed by adjectives, adverbs or verb phrases to describe a motion, explain a situation or make a comment. So, the part after “de” is called modal complement. In this lesson, the modal complements are all adjectives to make comments about the motion ahead.

“得” 后面的成分可以是形容词、副词或动词词组,表示对动作状态的描写、情况的说明与评价,因此也叫“情态补语”。在本课中,充当补语的都是形容词,用来对动作行为进行评价。

Substitutive drills:

你的中文说 真好!
Nǐ de Zhōnɡwén shuō de zhēn hǎo!

我吃 太多了!
Wǒ chī de tài duō le!

这个汉字你写 不好。
Zhè ɡe hànzì nǐ xiě de bù hǎo.

1) If the complement is an adjective, it is usually used with modifiedingredients such as “hěn” “zhēn” in front of it, which is the same way when the adjective is used as a predicate.
2) If there is an object after the verb, then the object cannot be put between the verb and “de”. For example, we cannot say “tā shuō zhōngwén de hěn hǎo”. Instead, we must say “*tā shuō zhōngwén shuō de hěn hǎo” by repeating the verb. In this example, “shuō zhōngwén” is the topic, and “shuō de hěn hǎo” is the comment.
3) If the information is clear enough, the first verb can be omitted. For example, we can say “tā zhōngwén shuō de hěn hǎo”. In this case, “zhōngwén” is the topic.



  1. 形容词做补语成分时,前面通常要加修饰成分如“很”“真”等,这一点同形容词做谓语是一样的。
  2. 如果动词后面有宾语,宾语不能放在动词与“得”之间,不能说“*他说中文得很好”,只能重复动词,“他说中文说得很好”。这里“说中文” 被看作是谈论的话题,而 “说得很好” 是对该行为的评价
  3. 在文中语义清楚的情况下,第一个动词也可省略,可以说“他中文说得很好”,“中文”在这里被看作是谈论的话题

Substitutive drills:

李小姐教中文教 很好。
Lǐ Xiáojiě jiāo Zhōnɡwén jiāo De hěn hǎo.

他学英文学 很快。
Tā xué Yīnɡwén xué De hěn kuài

你写汉字写 不错。
Nǐ xiě hànzì xiě De bú cuò.


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Career Chinese: Bridging the Gaps for Success Copyright © by Xiaojun Wang; Jin Liu; Ping Yu; and Yuanyuan Huang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.