Dialogue 4-1 Grammar and Pattern Drills

1. 快 了 kuài…le (Indicating that an act is about to take place)

“kuài…le” means something is about to happen. The verb shall be put between “kuài” and “le”.


我爸爸 来中国 了。
Wǒ bàbɑ kuài lái Zhōngguó le。

我们 上课 了。
wǒmen kuài shàng kè le。

飞机 到北京 了。
Fēijī kuài dào Běijīng le。


Note: “kuài…le” cannot be used when there is a specific time in the sentence. For example, you cannot say:* Xià gè yuè wǒ bàbɑ kuài lái Zhōngguó le (My father is coming to China next moth.)


2. 连 都 … lián … dou … (even)

“lián …dōu…” is an expression for emphasis. “lián” leads out the part that needs to be emphasized (usually some extreme conditions); “dōu” goes behind to echo the emphasis. Sometimes, this expression implies some comparison.
“连……都” 强调某种动作行为,“连”引出要强调的部分(一般是极端的情况),后边用“都”呼应。隐含有比较的语义,表示强调的对象尚且如此,其他的就更不用说了。


Wǒ gōngzuò hěn máng, lián chīfàn de shíjiān

lián diànnǎo

Tā xué le yì nián zhōng wén le, lián “zhōng ”zì


dōu méiyǒu

dōu bù huì yòng。

dōu bù huì xiě。


3. 就 + jiù + V. (at once, right away away)

“jiù + V.” indicates that something will happen immediately.
“就+V.” 表示在短时间内即将发生,有“立刻”“马上”的意思。



去 中国以前,您最好检查一下身体。
Qù Zhōngguó yǐqián ,nín zuìhǎo jiǎnchá yī xià shēntǐ 。

Kuài qù Zhōngguó le ,nǐ de jīpiào mǎi le ma?

Kuài kāihuì le ,fānyì zěnme hái méi lái?



好的,我明天 预约。
Hǎo de, wǒ míngtiān jiù yù yuē。

还没呢,我现在 上网买。
Hái méi ne, wǒ xiànzài jiù shàngwǎng mǎi 。

别着急,我现在 给他打电话
Bié zháojí, wǒ xiànzài jiù gěi tā dǎ diànhuà 。


4. 差点儿+V. chàdiǎnr+V. (almost)

“chàdiǎnr” means that something unwelcome or unexpected did not happen. It is followed by verb(s) and usually implies that it is fortunate that this thing did not happen.
“差点儿” 表示不希望发生的事情几乎发生而没有发生,有庆幸的意思,后面是动词。


今天车很多,我上班 差点儿 来晚了。
Jīntiān chē hěn duō, wǒ shàngbān chà diǎnr lái wǎn le。

我的花 差点儿 死了。
Wǒ de huā chà diǎnr sǐ le 。

我的车 差点儿 丢了。
Wǒ de chē chà diǎnr diū le 。


Note: When “chàdiǎnr” is put before something unwelcome or unexpected, you can use either the positive or negative form of the verb to express the fact that this thing did not happen. Examples: “chàdiǎnr lái wǎn le” and “chàdiǎnr méi lái wǎn” both mean “did not come late”; “chàdiǎnr sǐ le” and “chà diǎnr méi sǐ” both mean “did not die”; “chàdiǎnr diū le” and “chàdiǎnr méi diū” both mean “did not get stolen”.


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Career Chinese: Bridging the Gaps for Success Copyright © by Xiaojun Wang; Jin Liu; Ping Yu; and Yuanyuan Huang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.