Joe’s Diary – Week 3

I have planned my trip to China, and now it is time to think of buying the ticket.

In the U.S. many airlines offer frequent flyer program, such as Delta Airline s SKYMILES ® and the AAdvantage® of American Airline. These programs are provided for members travelling around the world to accumulate their mileage automatically on their accounts of corresponding airlines. Some airlines in China participate in this kind of global alliance as well. Take Air China for example. It joined the Sky Team in December 2007 and therefore, only if you are a member of the Frequent flyer program offered by one of the 26 airlines of Sky Team can you accumulate and redeem your mileage when traveling through the Sky Team network. So, if you are a qualified member you can take Air China into consideration when planning a flight.

Sometimes booking air tickets is troublesome in China, especially when public holidays are approaching. Chinese New Year and National Day are two important holidays. The former usually falls in January or February while the latter falls in early October every year. Many people return home from other places or go traveling during these two holidays. As a result, if it is not an
emergency, it would be better to avoid these two peak seasons.

When traveling in China you don t need to worry about time difference because the standard time is Beijing time which is the only time zone for the entirety of China. However, Beijing time is not the local time in Beijing. Instead, it is the time of Dongba district Therefore, in China, no matter where you go, people’s time is the same, without adding or subtracting.

There are many reservation platforms for air tickets. In addition to the official website reservations of major airlines, they can also be booked on various third party platforms, such as and We open a third party platform reservation window, you can see that it is generally divided into “domestic flight” and “international flight”. If it is a domestic flight, click to enter the domestic flight reservation window, and the international flight will enter the corresponding window, all are Chinese. Once you have selected your information, you can choose to pay. There are many payment methods in general. You can pay directly with a bank card, or you can choose a payment method for a third party payment platform. You can also choose Alipay or
WeChat payment. It appears that booking an air ticket is not as easy as I tho ught, and there are other factors to consider such as timing. Besides, if you make a plan in advance to gain the mileage, you can save a lot on your flight in the future.

司的 AAdvantage® 常旅客飞行计划。其实,中国在这方面已与世界资源共享。比如,中国
国际航空公司已经于 2007 年 12 月加入星空联盟,成为星空联盟的成员。不管您参与的是
哪家星空联盟成员的常飞旅客计划,都可以在其全部 26 家会员航空公司积累和兑换里程。


Read & Think

  1. Which of the following are the two important holidays to people in China?
    • Chinese New Year and Christmas
    • Thanks giving day and National Day
    • National Day and Labor Day
    • Chinese New Year and National Day
  2. Conclude some useful tips to make a successful travel plan to China.


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