77 Chapter 9 Further Learning

Suggested Readings

Abelardo de la Cruz. “The Value of El Costumbre and Christianity in the Discourse of Nahua Catechists from the Huasteca Region in Veracruz, Mexico, 1970s-2010s,” ed. David Tavárez, Words and Worlds Turned Around: Indigenous Christianities in Colonial Latin America, University Press of Colorado (2017). Link

Anderson Hagler. “Exhuming the Nahualli: Shapeshifting, Idolatry, and Orthodoxy in Colonial Mexico.” The Americas 78, no. 2 (April 2021): 197–228, Link

Alan Sandstrom. Corn Is Our Blood: Culture and Ethnic Identity in a Contemporary Aztec Indian Village. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991, Link

Nahuatl Language Novel

Tlahtolixcopincayotl a novel written entirely in Nahuatl by Abelardo de la Cruz de la Cruz, Eduardo de la Cruz Cruz, and Joanna Maryniak, Link

Online Nahuatl Dictionary Edited by Stephanie Wood and part of the Wired Humanities Projects, College of Education, University of Oregon, copyright 2000-present. Link

YouTube Channels

Free Nahuatl-language lessons in English may be found here: A Paquiliztli, @paquiliztli, Link

Face-to-Face Nahuatl Lessons

IDIEZ A.C. located in Zacatecas, Mexico, Link

University of Utah, Nahuatl-Language Instructors, Link


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Seeing the World Through Religion and Culture Copyright © by Diane Riggs and Anderson Hagler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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