
Seeing the World through Religion and Culture was developed thanks to a generous Open Educational Resource Grant from Western Michigan University (WMU). The grant allowed us to expand and enhance our teaching materials into a fully online illustrated textbook for an introductory course on religions of the world. This open educational resource textbook includes open-source images and links to websites for further study.

We wish to thank those who supported us in this project. Dr. Stephen Covell, chair of the Department of World Religions and Cultures, encouraged us to apply for the grant and supported our work. This project also reflects the contributions of many graduate students of the Department of World Religions and Cultures who participated in developing teaching materials. Dr. Michele Behr, WMU University Libraries, has been our project coordinator, and WMUx has provided support in publishing the online textbook through Pressbooks. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Brian C. Wilson who read through the entire book, making insightful and meticulous suggestions on its content. We also wish to thank Eduardo de la Cruz Cruz for his help on the chapter on Native American religion whose work on Nahua spirituality is reflected in this chapter. He has published two Nahuatl-language books, Tototatahhuan Ininixtlamatiliz (2015); and Cenyahtoc cintli tonelhuayo: huahcapatl huan tlen naman (2017); and has co-authored a Nahuatl-language children’s book Tlahtolixcopincayotl.

Any errors in Seeing the World through Religion and Culture are the responsibility of the two authors, Diane Riggs, PhD; and Anderson Hagler, PhD.


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Seeing the World Through Religion and Culture Copyright © by Diane Riggs and Anderson Hagler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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