44 Timeline of Judaism

  • c. 2000-587 BCE – Ancient Israelite Religion
  • c. 1050-930 BCE – United Monarchy
  • 922 BCE – United Monarchy divides into Israel and Judah
  • 722 BCE – Israel conquered by the Assyrian Empire
  • 586 BCE – First Temple destroyed by Babylonians
  • 538 BCE – Cyrus the Great allows Jews to return to Jerusalem
  • 167-160 BCE – Maccabean Rebellion
  • 63 BCE – Rome conquers Jerusalem
  • 70 CE – Romans destroy second temple
  • c. 200 CE – Mishnah compiled
  • 1948 CE – Israel is granted independent statehood.

The historical overview of Judaism is divided into four overlapping time periods:

Foundations of Jewish Historical Identity: 1400 BCE to 70 CE

  • Ancient Hebrews/Israelite
  • Temple at Jerusalem and the United Monarchy, King David
  • Division of Kingdom into Judah and Israel
  • Destruction of the first temple, King Cyrus
  • Destruction of the second temple

Diaspora and Exegesis: beginning c. 70 CE

  • Judaism in the diaspora
  • Importance of rabbi, Jewish texts
  • Midrash and exegesis

Medieval Judaism: c. 500 to 1500 CE

  • Maimonides’ rational approach to Judaism
  • The Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism

Modern Judaism: c. 1500 to present

  • Reform and orthodox Judaism
  • Holocaust and the establishment of the country of Israel


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