

1 Soberano: sovereign

2 Aceituna: olive

3 Calzado: footwear

4 Arraigado: ingrained

5 Azotan: rage

6 Despojar: deprived

7 Alterne: vida social

8 Mercado de abastos: food market

9 Cordillera: mountain range

10 Meseta:  plateau

11 Ganadería: livestock

12 Refinerías petroleras: oil refineries

13 Oleoducto: oil pipelines

14 Energía eólica: wind energy

15 Cuélalo: strain it

16 Hallazgo: find

17 Sinfín: myriad

18 Taurinas: bull-related

19 Asediada: besieged

20 Estaño: estaño

21 Bueyes: oxen

22 Comida contundente: hearty meal

23 Manjares: delicacies

24 Aguamaniles: pitchers

25 Bacinilla: potty

26 Hacer gargarismos: gargle

27 Aliñar: dress

28 Testimonios arquitectónicos: architectural evidence

29 Moros: Moors. Muslim people of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages.

30 Peregrinaje: pilgrimage

31 Decapitado: beheaded

32 Arcos de herradura: horseshoe arch

33 Alzar: raise

34 Albergar: host

35  Techo abovedado: vaulted ceiling

36 Campanarios: bell tower

37 Todopoderoso: almighty

38 Derrumbaban: fell down

39 Vidrieras: stained glasses

40 Renacimiento: Renaissance

41 Litigios: disputes

42 Aportaciones: contribution

43 Sefardita: Sephardic. Spanish Jews who were forced to convert to Catholicism or face expulsion from Spain after 1492.

44 Estandarte: banner/flag

45 Codiciado: coveted

46 Desavenencias: disagreements

47 Arzobispo: archbishop

48 Codicioso: greedy

49 Grandes hazañas: great deeds

50 Imperio Otomano: Ottoman Empire. It´s also historically referred as Turkish Empire or Turkey.

51 Familias conversas: Jewish families that conversed to Christianity

52 Carmelitas descalzas: order of Discalced Carmelite  nuns

53 Recaudador de impuestos: tax collector

54 Mecenas: patrons/sponsors. A person who pays for or commissions works of art.

55 Celestiales: heavenly

56 Penuria: hardship

57 Insurrectos: rebel

58 Ultramar: overseas

59 Enajenación de las tierras: sale of the land

60 Terrateniente: landowner

61 Arraigado: rooted

62 Arrasados: devastated

63 Contienda: conflict

64 Asedio a la ciudad: Siege of the city

65 Embargo: an oficial ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.

66 Presas y pantanos: dams and reservoirs

67 Fuente de divisas: source of income

68 Atentados: Terrorist attacks

69 Dar la vuelta a la tortilla (idiom): change the situation to the opposite

70 Treguas: truces

71 Patria: homeland


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Vida y cultura de España Copyright © 2024 by Mariola Pérez de la Cruz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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